Thursday, May 31, 2012

femme fatale fuck

I write this post feeling so pissed off with a body called man. So I may sound either bias or just being true. So read this with a pinch of salt ye.

I don't want to label man because you would say that ..pompuan pon sama gak! But the thing is, most man I get to know are so selfish unfortunately. Some can be obvious piece of shit while others demonstrated it when trapped in situation where shits were squeezed out of them. Sometimes I do wonder what were these people made of? If cruelty definition can be expanded, they can be part of that too. Ouchh kann..

Where women were breed for lust, manipulated and toyed and because of hatred that was nurtured for long time worked into vicious cycle. And what has the world become? Salah sapa?

No doubt ramai perempuan yang evil, but are we contributing more of that kind into that statistics? Of course judgements were made based on actions taken but how many of us able to weigh causes and take most prudence decision especially when all negative feelings accumulated at one point..and we count 1-10 and tell ourselves...lek dulu bro..!!??

When a woman that suppose to have so much love, passion and patience in her to balance the whole universe, no longer can hold the torments that were pressing against her and she turned to become a destroyer because herself has long been destroyed and betrayed. When a woman caused the fall and wreck of a man instead of their success? And when man are suppose to lead and what have they led? Bed? They are too laid back with their responsibilities and instead took it as a privilege to game around. Yang bachelor wants to remain bachelor sebab tak puas main..Yang dah kawen still tak puas main..hari-hari makan nasik..nak jugak rasa kuewtiaw sometimes. Whoaa! Ada macam trailer citer Wondebra Woman tak? Kekeke

Whenever I'm with them, I can't stopped to ask myself. Why do they want to be close to me? What are their motives? Is it their ego, objectives or dickheads or all of them? There's nothing done for no reason. No shit in their head to say that I did it for the love of God or because you're good and that's why I'm doing it for you. That's all total BS okay.

But before answering that, you need to self-aware of what mojo you got beb! I know I got beauty, good bods (stok boleh lambung2 katanye..), some extend of authority and influence and purchasing power. Whether it is a fact or not, it doesn't matter to people who perceived me those ways. So basically when I asked that questions to myself, I also need to understand what are their perceptions towards me.

So, if mamat ni kasik ayat power - your eyes must have melt so many guys kinda crap..this guy basically motipnye nak main je.. there's no such thing that your eyes can melt people okeh..unless you're superman la. Cuma for man, they like to ayat-ayat dulu..see how woman react malu-malu, perasan sekejap, play with their feelings bagai..let them head over heals on you..for them it's a thrill. Rather than be as direct as bila-nak-main-ni-i-tengok-profile-pic-pon-dah-pancut. No doubt memang ada, yang ni dah sah la jumpa main terus je. Set-set ni memang la bersepah. If you dah confident..nak test boleh je..layan je mamat2 yang dok ayat nih..and once you get bored with them just drop the bomb - I'm not interested in you..batang gatal la lu! Then blah!

I'm not going to elaborate about ego and objectives. You all must be yawning while scratching balls..thinking watehel crap is she talking about!

Tapi kan... sambung jap! All you got to do is to understand things that important to them. And where does you fit in those items? Are you there being an agent for him to ride on to their benefits? Or are they willing to lower their ego and put you before their objectives?

Asking that questions can make you stay safe and alert of their motives and not get caught in their play. Women are so emotionally driven and any sweet talks were taken as good where instead it's just a game. Technically when you know what's their motive and put aside your feelings, you can basically see where they are coming from and how the games is gonna end. If you can't figure their motives try to put these 3 at stakes. You will see they jump the wagon and you'll know they are not that sincere or sweet or gentleman after all..just full of filthy ego, selfish human casing, doing just anything to get a lick on their dickhead.

And I will always ask similar questions as check balance. What is it there for me? For my ego? I don't have one. To move to greater career heights? I love my work, I'm good at it and I don't need to suckdick for that. For dickheads? Can't deny I love dickheads and all they want is to have the taste of my tongue on their dickheads tapi setakat standard soggy piping, it doesn't worth the effort. So basically to enjoy the begging and to prove that I'm just correct on these man. That they are such assholes piece of shit!

All I can see are their ego, dickhead and objectives which is above all. Sometimes its seems like almost impossible to find a man that sincere.

And when they got what they want or when they found out that you're not to their benefit, or that they think they are holier than thou...sumer apekelancau pon kuar.. they talk to you as if you're some dumbass mengangkang kat tepi jalan.. no longer sounded like a gentleman with speaking London.

Go fuck urself sudah..

So this is what and how a woman can transformed into. A simple life can be as complex as and when it needs to be.

No longer was she merely the dancing-girl who extorts a cry of lust and concupiscence from an old man by the lascivious contortions of her body; who breaks the will, masters the mind of a King by the spectacle of her quivering bosoms, heaving belly and tossing thighs; she was now revealed in a sense as the symbolic incarnation of world-old Vice, the goddess of immortal Hysteria, the Curse of Beauty supreme above all other beauties by the cataleptic spasm that stirs her flesh and steels her muscles, – a monstrous Beast of the Apocalypse, indifferent, irresponsible, insensible, poisoning.- Huysmans À rebours Toni Bentley (2002) Sisters of Salome

Anyways like I said, this was written down when I was super pissed. Now dah cool dah..! Having said all that, I know there's always good human out there with sincere heart (see how I craft my words : D) and know their purpose of existence. There are still many happily married couples and family that can be an exemplary to society and so there's hope to better worrld gitew..

Panjang plak hakak bebel kat post neh!

*Kita layan lagu peberet wa untuk coolkan kemarahan..Superman from Five For Fighting.. ok bai


Jemz said...

..seram sejuk lepas baca perenggan pertama...
perenggan2 lain tu..nnt wa baca kendian..

M said...

hah pakai sweater..utk perenggan lain boleh pakai bullet proof jaket :D

Jemz said...

gua baca dlm bulletproof bunker ah lg terjamin..

Blessing in disguise

At this point, I think I'm pretty clear and compose with my life despite the worry of not having any job to pay my bills for next few m...