Since this Ramadhan month, he is being nice to me, in which he himself admit it - I tak tau apa you bagi I makan..but I feel that I love you so much..asik ingat petpet you je..and I nak main dengan you every nite. Dulu tengok you pon I menyampah..he said.
So I asked him..kasik makan apa nyer? Makan pon beli je.. so I told him. If he meant makan kotor or things to charm him..giler ke hapa?? Syirik tu siotss and tak pernah terlintas pon nak buat kat makhluk donia ni apatah lagi suami sendiri?? Ishh!!
So you sayang I tak? I rasa macam I nak mati je..dada I asik sakit lately.
Terlalu banyak belas ihsan di hati ini, so I told him, sayang la..sikit..I'm trying to love you.
He least ada la sikit sayang you..dari tak de langsung.
Ahaii..sedih la pulak.
So malam ni nak main tak? He asked. Standard.
Tanak la..bulan pose ni main weekend only..weekdays cuti. You simpan dulu kay.
I tengok you pon nak pancut..cina-cino tu lagi la mengelupur tengok you. So he kissed me on my forehead, my back, caressing my butt and breast..antara cubaan-cubaan berani. Standard.
I'm too tired beb! Karang pukul 4 nak bangun sahur pulak, siap makan sumer. So wa tertido dalam kerabaan iteww..
Tapi kan..rasanya memang la..bulan puasa ni..orang laki..tahan lapar dahaga takde hal sangat..tapi yang agak mencabar tu..tahan nafsu mata..not sure if there's scientific explaination behind it..or maybe sebenarnya nafsu mata tu dah standard..cuma billa bulan puasa tu kena kekang and there's no source to release it..tu yang merapu tak pasal..kira macam withdrawal syndrom la ni.
Few of the male mates came and mengadu.. in which I keep on reminding them..pose la weihh!!! Sila bawak bersabar sket boley. Tengok awek cina kurus terusik, tengok pompuan pakai top lace terusik..tu tak kira lagi cabaran-cabaran aweks kat pasar ramadhan yang pakai sexy mexy dan boing boing..musim panas kan.. Oh! Begitu lemah juga ye orang laki nih! Hiks!
Like I've always told my son.."Abang, orang lelaki ni ada 2 kekuatan..satu luaran satu lagi dalaman..yang luar tu..semua orang boleh ada..abang nak nampak taf and tangan ketak-ketak.. abang boleh exersize..tapi kuat kat dalam ni..tak semua orang ada..which is the strongest of all is the essence that makes the heart beat! So..kalau abang tak puasa..maknanya abang belum cukup kuat lagi!..sebab abang belum boleh tahan lapar abang!
Like I've always told my son.."Abang, orang lelaki ni ada 2 kekuatan..satu luaran satu lagi dalaman..yang luar tu..semua orang boleh ada..abang nak nampak taf and tangan ketak-ketak.. abang boleh exersize..tapi kuat kat dalam ni..tak semua orang ada..which is the strongest of all is the essence that makes the heart beat! So..kalau abang tak puasa..maknanya abang belum cukup kuat lagi!..sebab abang belum boleh tahan lapar abang!
*Belum abis potpet..dah cabut lari dah budak ni..biasa la span of concentration tu pendek sangat.
But he was so impressed dengan skill mak dia aritu..which I'm not supposed to demonstrate it infront of him. He was persuading me to buy mercun and bunga api and a day before his dad bought him few. He had his own pocket money and he's spending it on mercun..haihh. So I was accompanying him buying those mercun at bazar ramadan from same bunch of kids seller, about his age probably. He was taking his own sweet time choosing and that kids were also were quite slow in calculating for some other buyers. Some pokcik were making noise coz they were slow. And I just felt that the mercun sold was rather expensive, so I asked that boy to give me some extra because I was here yesterday.
Boss..boleh la kasik extra sikit..and the boy was so excited that I asked him with smile and in my big sunglasses. So he gave my son few extra. My son was so excited that he went back and told his dad and the neighbour about it. How mummy used her wink-wink to get extra mercun. Haihhh!! Bahaya nih!
But he was so impressed dengan skill mak dia aritu..which I'm not supposed to demonstrate it infront of him. He was persuading me to buy mercun and bunga api and a day before his dad bought him few. He had his own pocket money and he's spending it on mercun..haihh. So I was accompanying him buying those mercun at bazar ramadan from same bunch of kids seller, about his age probably. He was taking his own sweet time choosing and that kids were also were quite slow in calculating for some other buyers. Some pokcik were making noise coz they were slow. And I just felt that the mercun sold was rather expensive, so I asked that boy to give me some extra because I was here yesterday.
Boss..boleh la kasik extra sikit..and the boy was so excited that I asked him with smile and in my big sunglasses. So he gave my son few extra. My son was so excited that he went back and told his dad and the neighbour about it. How mummy used her wink-wink to get extra mercun. Haihhh!! Bahaya nih!
Anyways, tis year baju raya tak beli lagi. Tak kisah sebenarnya sebab banyak baju kurung tak pakai sangat, so can be recycled. Last weekend, I've spent almost thousand for my kids clothes. Terkezutt sekejap tapi takpe la memang dah dalam budget. And this month is the month where I take opportunity to do good deeds to parents. Ada duit extra tu..kena share la untuk mendapat keberkatan mereka. I always believe that I still have path to walk through is because of their doa for me. And I know I need to be good mother and pray for the good well being of my kids too, so their life would be better than me.
That's all for now..jangan notty-notty (*self note)
1. Astaga..skip..skip
2. mercun..bahaya la!
3. err..byk nye bajet raya..
4. nk mintak duit zakat sket leh?
1. Skip skipping
2. Tau! Mercun pop bunga api je
3. Lepas ni setahun xyah beli dah
4. Ish layak ke Jemz! Apply le kat Baitulmal tu..ada je duit sy kat situ..muahaha
5. duit raya layak kan?..nk duit raya edisi baru!
duit raya tu seswai untuk budak yang belum akil baligh je :P
6. biskut raya?
Hi Marrisa, alway enjoy reading your lively thoughts, with a smile at your humour.
I guess puasa moth have to abstain from certain activities, huh?
Anyway, lagi dua minngu, its all systems go, ha ha ha.
Have fun and keep a song in your heart.
Jemz nih! Cubit kang!
Tq Uncle sweet of you :)
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