Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wishing for better horizon

I have this urge feeling in need to make something extraordinaire for good closure. Something to proof to myself that I'm not really a burden or something that my kids or him to be proud of. Entah la, I used to be so ambitious about making good things for the society but then lepas kawin, it's all about the family. Family is the priority. Tapi kadang sedih la jugak, though you know you tried your best to take care of them, gave them all that they need, they still feel it wasn't enough. You feel frustrated and sad, because you still need their love in return to rejuvenate all the strength and effort that you've put through. Tapi yela, it all will just pass by. Like many mothers and wife, they are full of love, sadness and frustrations are just like drops of water into the sea. There's so much love inside and they continue to poor it la kan.

Versus if you making deeds to charity org or some strangers, the satisfactions is all yours. There's no one is putting expectation on you except yourself. I did some charity work before with unfortunate kids and homeless (golongan bergelendangan - weird words tho). You felt satisfied that you have helped them in anyway you can. To see some smiles and hope in their eyes. It gives you perspectives of lifes that you'd never thought off. And I would came back home to share my experience with my kids on how lucky they are and the need to help whoever that in need. That we need not to be millionaire to do that. Our contributions can be in terms of taxes, zakat, emotional and physical support. There's 2 things I want them to do before and after they are on their own - first is to travel out of country and 2nd to volunteer for charity work.

I still feel that I need to do more than that. Bila ada email on charity work, meloncat2 hati ni hah nak pi. Tapi tu lah, hal kat rumah pon nak kena juggle sebab wa made up the statistic parents yang maidless. So need to put things in place dulu, then can think of other people, and so he said, which is true in some way.

Menjelang ujung tahun ni la, I'm starting to review when I actually can make it to 5 figure. I know I can make in in another 2 years or maybe 1 1/2 years. It comes along with pressure and expectation. Am I ready? Mendengar dan melihat rakan-rakan kerja yang blah after being offered 5 figure salary ni memang la teruja. Market macam tu la agaknya. Best friends pon ramai dah set-set 5 figure and some tak main dah MYR nih, memangla rasa tempted gilo nak mengejar duit. Sapa tanak gila la. And at same time you start to question, what makes you slow in climbing the ladder and whether that justify to some incapabalities in you? Tula, wasting time dok melayan nafsu jantans, otak jadi tak focus la. Gamaknya ler. Not that I regret, it's just something that I need to go through I guess. You don't really have manual in store to guide you through those morbidness anyway.

I guess, when I have more money which comes which higher job profile, I can have more time to do charity work, I hope. Jadi boss besar ni sebenarnya kerja less hectic than boss kecik. Pressure je kena manage. Ala..stress-stress wa DIY dapat multiple-O sette ahh.. Idea pon datang melimpah ruah. Muahahha

Boss besar ni keje dia kena good in strategizing and need to have experts that are good in giving advises. Network kena powers to get things done.  Then ensure execution jalan. Sapa tak buat kerja, off with his head gitew! Hahahaha! Bitch giler!

OK la sempena menyambut Awal Muharram dan hujung tahun yang semakin dekat ni, Marissa ingin salam-salam la, dan ucapkan selamat untuk semua dan semoga kita menjadi hamba-Nya yang diberi petunjuk yang benar dalam setiap kebenaran dan juga dalam setiap kebatilan, panjang umur dan diberkati hidup hendaknya.

Selamat bercuti semua. Wa cuti dah abis, so cuti skola cover weekend dan area dekat-dekat je. Tapi budak2 ni janji ada swimming pool or pantai suka sangat dah! Ok la daaa...

Giving out foods to homeless near Puduraya. Another life and light of KL 


Jemz said...

With great power comes great responsibility - uncle ben, spiderman 1.

M said...

It's a gift and curse..saya amat memahami spiderman..jadi org lawo gitu ler

Blessing in disguise

At this point, I think I'm pretty clear and compose with my life despite the worry of not having any job to pay my bills for next few m...