My daughter wanted me to send her to mom's house so she could play with her cousins during this school hols. So I need to cook early in morning for abang and kakak and drive all the way to Shah Alam and rushed to office and the traffic memang la macam haremmm!!! Sabo je la! Masuk lambat je la coti skola nih.
It was his birthday last few days and I bought him dinner at nice place together with the kids. I've never missed to buy him prezzie or card or even nice dinner. And this time, it's only dinner. I was thinking of buying him watch, but then on second thought, I think I had given him too much that it doesn't have much value to him anymore. Just like me I guess.
Well..he text me asking if I bought him any prezzie. I told him I gave him my cunt tonite..muahaha..and he said that's for whoever and replied to ask me if I can give him a chat or dictpick. I told him I've already blanjer makan and he said that's makan..and he want prezzie.. I told him he didn't bought any presents for me fact for few years. My torch blackberry he bought for my last year ended up me paying for kes i-blanjer-u-bayar. (of coz I didn't mentioned this to him..nanti drop his water face..sendili mau ingat la kan) Hahaha..padan muka...
And he said he did bought me birthday present ti year, just that I didn't remembered it. I asked him what was it because I know there wasn't any, because if he thought that black dildo was one, it definitely not count as he bought it for his benefit and on many normal occasions. So terus senyap la.. but really..I don't mind not getting any presents, spending another year with the kids and him around is more than enough for.
But deep down, I do long for a bouquet of flowers sent to my office. And I know he wouldn't buy any coz I did told him before but he said it's waste of money. So wa senyap je lah.. terpadam la harapan nak dapat sejambak bunga dari seorang suami. Well, true I guess, it's waste of money. But being a woman, flowers are something that can make differentiation than the rest of other day. You just want to feel special on that day. And he wouldn't understand that anyways. And never been given flower in my entire life makes me think that it's only my forever wishful thinking. Ahh..pathetic..order bunga anta diri sendiri sudehh!! Haha..giler saiko macam Mr Bean anta kad krismas to himself..LOL!
Ok sambung..
So back to to-fro from Shah Alam to pick up my doter, I kinda feel tired by end of the day. So after showered and had our dinner, I lied down just to regain back my energy. And he was pissed seeing that I'm resting and he was doing laundry and that I left my drink on the table for him to clean up. I told him that I need to rest for awhile and I will finish up my drink and clean up. He was grumbling saying that I should do all the chores first than only rest. Well, I know my body, if penat tu memang la penat..I just need a rest. Paksa-paksa pon tak guna coz if I fell sick..takde orang pon nak jaga. I didn't said that of coz. I just kept quiet letting him said all things he wanna said as if I have no feeling at all.
So I woke up to finish up my drink but it was no longer on the table. And I saw my mug and jug were in the dustbin. I just don't know what to say. My kids saw the expression on my face, and my daughter's ok mummy..boleh basuh mug tu. Oh! Kesedihan okay. And I just went to bed in sorrow giler.
So this morning, as if I'm ok with my mug being thrown in the dustbin, I asked him if he's going to pay for the hotel he asked me to book. And he did a surprised look and said no. So I told him if he's not going to pay I will be cancelling it.
Kesian budak-budak looking forward for it but I just want him to take ownership too and not depending on me to pay for the hotels every time it's school holidays. Banyak kali dah terkena, suruh book hotel..last-last mak gak kena fork out. And this month I'm paying for my car insurance and roadtax, so I'm on tight budget. So he asked the kids, who want to follow him to go back hometown and who want to stay with mummy. Aikk.. tak pasal-pasal, sebab hotel tak book, hakak kena tinggal. Argghh! Like ohsome okay the way he thinks.
Really I'm too sedih okay when I think about my mug that he threw into the dustbin. What was he thinking? Maybe he couldn't accept that he was going to wash my mug so he threw it? No matter how he treated me, I still respect and take care of him as a husband. And he threw my faveret flowery mug?? Malas la nak ulas2..nanti cakap ungkit pulak.
I'm just too sad. If I wanna make a scene, I just can tell him that I'm not following him back to his hometown. And I know he will say - pergi mampos lah and u boleh pergi fuck around with your bfs! And when he came back he would interrogate and asked details of those cocks..hahah..Yeah something like that!
And I will have my serenity for few days.. Yayy...but of coz I can't do that. I need to take care of the kids..makan pakai that's how it is. Or maybe I just let him take care of the kids. Ehmm..
And I called my mom just now because I have doubt about mandi wajib. Do I need to mandi wajib every time I cumm or only when we have sex? I read it somewhere that only applicable when you have sex. Tapi still musykil. Coz the thing is, I think we haven't have sex for months because I was a dirty person to him and he only like to shove in those equipments to me and that excites him to max. Sex..I need to seek somewhere else but not with him. Duhh!! But I need to mandi wajib every time I cum? So my mom said..we talk about this later! The kids are around.
Yes mummy!
And esok lusa wa coti..yayyyy!!!
And esok lusa wa coti..yayyyy!!!
soklan last tu..nnt tanya ustat azhar idrus
salam marissa...
mengangkat hadas besar or mandi wajib diWAJIBKAN keatas setiap lelaki dan perempuan Muslim apabila cum/keluar mani tak kira samada berlaku setelah you lakukan sex, ataupun mani keluar semasa you bermimpi or you beronani (melalui apa yg saya baca dari tulisan you, maaf)
perkara2 yg mewajibkan kita mandi wajib :
1. bersetubuh - wlp tak keluar mani tetapi wajib mandi wajib bagi kedua pasangan
2. keluar air mani - wlp bukan menerusi persetubuhan - contohnya you beronani atau berkhayal
3. keluar mani kerana bermimpi (wet dream)
4. mati (hadas besar/mandi wajib diambilkan oleh mereka yang menguuskan jenazah you
5. orang kafir yang masuk Islam
6. keluar darah haid - setelah bersih dari haid wajib mandi
7. Nifas - setelah kering darah yang keluar selama tempoh kita berpantang - tak mesti sampai tunggu 44 hari - kalau cpt keringnya maka you mandi wajiblah pada hari terakhir nifas itu kering
8. wiladah - mandi sebaik kita lahirkan baby - wiladah berbeza dari nifas. wiladah ialah darah yang keluar mengiringi lahirnya bayi
marissa, maafkan saya ya, anda seorang wanita yang cantik dan berpelajaran tinggi, semoga and mampu menjalani kehidupan yang sempurna mengikut apa yang disarankan Allah swt dan RasulNya. Tinggalkan lah kehidupan yang ternyata merosakkan naluri dan maruah seorang wanita dan isteri. Didalam Islam, tempat setiap isteri adalah sgt mulia dan dimuliakan.
saya tidak bermaksud mencampuri urusan hidup anda tetapi sgt sedih bila anda diperlakukan seperti haiwan oleh suami anda dlm soal sex dsb. dan membuang mug minuman anda kedlm dustbin adalah terlalu keji sekeji dia membiarkan anda menjadi tontotan dan meransang nafsu lelaki lain. Anda seharusnya cuba untuk keluar dari cara hidup yg sungguh menjijikkan ini...
pilihan adalah ditangan anda sendiri.
tidak perlu terlalu drastik mulakan dgn satu langkah pertama dulu..
semoga kehidupan anda lebih baik selepas ini. harta dunia itu perlu tapi bukana segalanya dan suami yg memimpin seorang isteri kelembah hina itu bukan suami tapi binatang, maafkan saya.
saya terpaksa nyatakan ini atas nama kebenaran dan kewajiban sesamaa Muslim.
Jemz - tu ustaz femes tu..nnt org ckp tumpang glamer plak hehe
Anon - wslam. Tqvm atas penerangan dan nasihat saudara di atas. Sebak dan nangis sy membacanya coz wht u said it's all true. Dan kata2 itu akan sy jadikan semangat sy lakukan apa yg sepatutnya sbb sy akan sentiasa lemah setiap kali dia pujuk to reconcile n be nice to me and things continue as usual. Sy mudah kesian dan juga mudah utk lupakan apa yg dialakukan. Mmg naluri dan jiwa sy tidak tenang living in tis kind of life. Few important things happened lately yg bermula dr peristiwa mug itu yg menyedarkan sy tht tht was the point for me to take next step action tapi harus dirancang dgn teliti. Terima kasih atas kata2 saudara, I can sense ur sincerity tru my bones and I trully appreciate it. Semoga Allah membalas rahmat atas niat ikhlas saudara, dan juga setiap perbuatan baik yg terzahir dr sy atas kata2 nasihat saudara. TQ again.
salam Marissa...
Alhamdulillah...jika anda boleh tersentuh hati dgn kata2 saya itu, ini bermakna Allah telah membuka sedikit dari ruang hati anda untuk kembali kepangkal jalan...
saya bukan bermaksud supaya anda bercerai berai kerna perceraian itu adalah perkara halal yang paling dibenci oleh Allah swt tetapi mengikuti kisah hidup anda (jika benar begitu) MAKA SUAMI ANDA TIDAK TERMASUK DLM KATEGORI SUAMI YANG WAJIB DITAATI.
jika dia enggan berubah (rasanya mustahil kecuali Allah beri hidayah kepdnya) - maka jalan sebaiknya adalah meninggalkan haiwan bertopengkan manusia sebegitu. Cara dia melayan anda membuatkan sesiapa pun yg waras akan merasa SICK!!!
Marissa, anda perlu ingat bahawa esok lusa maut mungkin menjemput anda atau kita semua tp mahukan anda menghadapNya dlm keadaan diri bersalut dosa dan noda serta najis seluruhnya?
Ingatlah tak lama lagi Ramadhan akan menjelma - saya akan gembira kiranya anda dan sseperti Muslimah lain yg berupaya menikmati kemuliaan Ramadhan semaksimanya..
salam dari saya berdasarkan surah alAsr.
salam Marissa
kiranya anda perlukan pertolongan utk membuat langkah pertama - anda boleh minta nasihat dan pandangan dari ustazah yg berhampiran anda dulu - saya berdoa segala niat baik anda akan dipoermudahkan oleh Allah swt.
kasihani diri anda dulu baru kasihan kepada org lain tetapi lelaki seperti suami anda adalah binatang yg tak layak utk diberi layanan baik samasekali!!!
maaf, saya hanya menyokong kata2 anon diatas.
Anons - being father to my kids gives lot of weight in my decision and it's not an easy call as my kids will see me as one selfish person to leave their father and they will beg me to how they beg me to follow them in tis hol trip. Mak lemah la bila tang anak2 pujuk ni. Tapi budak2 apala yg derang paham. For them as family we stick n do things together. And tht's one part also tht I need to manage. Based on experience I hv to anticipate many things and how to overcome it bf it happens. Kena plan so tht it won't be hurtful to them. And for tht I can't do it alone, I know. Apa2 pon TQ again for ur words and doa saudara semua, I really need that and teruskan doakan saya krn ianya bukanlah perjalanan yg mudah tapi tidak mustahil jika Allah menginginkannya. Insyaallah.
utk rikod,saya juga menyokong anon-anon diatas.
Hi Marissa, ya, I can just imagine you being upset....
Glad you took it in stride, for the kids.
You just stay easy, live your life with no excuses, love with no regrets.
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