Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feel like getting out of this SHIT!!

Really feel like running away from him. I just can't stand him, really. He was blaming me to have him wait in the car. I'm not late, it's just that moment when we are going off to work this morning, my daughter wanted to loo. I need to put her in toilet sit and all. And the moment I sat in the car, he blamed and judged me, saying that I'm so inconsiderate. I told him the reason but he can't seem to accept it. He kept on saying things like, you are not the one who will get show cause letter and all that. I asked him why do he kept on blaming me for all him dissatisfaction or for whatever reason.
He said just to make me understand, that the consequences of all my action will cause him trouble.

So ic..if he got the a show cause letter, its my fault because my daughter wanted to loo ? What about him having to go toilet ? Why didn't make it at 6 am the moment he woke up ? So that wasn't part of the contribution to lateness ?

He told me that of coz I would love him to get fired and we got no food to eat and all. And I asked him why. And he said of course you would love it - sebab nanti u boleh la jual puki u tu kat sumer orang nak dapat duit.

Amboi sedap nya cakap..

Yela..tak reti-reti lagi..dari bagi orang free..baik jual. You punya pemikiran ni..memang pendek..macam mana you pikir you bagi puki u tu kat jantan2 lain..

I just kept quite..there's almost tears but I contained. The tears should be running blood right out from my heart.

Blessing in disguise

At this point, I think I'm pretty clear and compose with my life despite the worry of not having any job to pay my bills for next few m...