Friday, April 13, 2012


I rushed home during lunch time to send my son to school yesterday. He's not been schooling the whole last week due to fever and bad cough, so I intended to see his teacher to inform her about his condition and to check on school work that he needed to catch up an all. When I arrived at school the teacher was not there, so I waited. Then my son started to cry. He said he's having stomach pain and head ache. So immediately I knew something was not right and it's not headache or any pain crap. Mother kan..of course I know! So I asked him, tell me what's wrong! And it's not any pain because just now he was jumping upside down like any healthy boy. Then he told me, he's scared because there's one boy in Tahun 3 punched him hard on his chest last week and he's afraid that he will punch him again. Sakit mami!! Paru-paru abang rasa macam terbakar! (He's dramatic like I'm cool) and I was so geramm!! 

I told him that I've cut my pepet and have it sewed with a big needle that looked like a fishing hook struggled my life to bring him to this world and I've never punched him on his chest, who the hell gave that boy to hit you! Mak marah okay!! And at same time I do understand that some boys can be naughty. So I told him, I'm telling his teacher or else he will have an issue to go to school and that boy may have bullied some other kids besides him. So after talking to the teacher, I gave back his lost spirit. I told him that he needs to be strong. He's my only son and he need to protect his sister and that's a huge responsibility. I told him if that boy hit him again, no  matter how painful it is or no matter how strong or big that boy is, I want him to stand up and hit him back...tak kena banyak least give him sedebik dua..then you can tell the teacher (of coz I didn't tell that infront of his teacher..heheh). And I told him not to be a coward..because mummy is not like that. I used to fight with ChongHwa boys in my school bus and at that time I was only 7 years old. Mummy memang tak takut okay!! Then I could see him got a bit spirited about it..if not muka dah pucat dah..I asked him to drink and he salam and kiss me before I left him for the assemble. Oh my baby boy!! In some ways, he is so like me, the way he think and he has my charm too. Anyways..when he came back from school yesterday, I asked him what had happened? Did the teacher called that boy?

He told me ; Yes mummyyy..cikgu displin panggil budak tu..pastu bukan abang sorang je kena bully..ada 4 orang..ada yang kena cekik, sepak ngan tumbuk tau..pastukan cikgu tu marah budak tu sampai budak tu nangis..pastu cikgu suruh budak2 yang kena buli tu buat balik apa derang kena kat budak tu (boleh ke?)... pastu kena rotan..tapi sekarang ada lagi sorang yang buli jugak..tapi budak tu taknak cakap..

See I told you kan abang.. mommy know all this. So abang pukul balik tak budak tu ? He said he didn't because he don't want to. I told him if he has forgave him coz it has passed that's noble. Self defense and revenge is two different thing. I'm not sure if he understand, but I hope he will one day. Haihhh tough la nak membesarkan budak2 ni..not so much of taking care of them, but the kinda values and frame of reference you want to implant in their head. Takut la salah ajar..kang jadik kuang ajar plak..kekeke

Well, that's one exciting story for me yesterday. I'm so proud and satisfied that I'm there with him during his challenging moments of growing up.

Ok enough on back to bapak pulak.

After few days he was in silence mode, he ended up pujuk me. I guess he got the message that I'm not going to be the one to say sorry anymore or even start the reconciliation. He knew that by saying that he didn't care, I took charge of myself. I can bring out the kids or go anywhere without telling him, because he already said he didn't care (lantak u lah nak buat apa) and he don't want to know. Well I guess, he ate his own words.

Last night I fall asleep on the sofa while folding mountains of dry clothes and watching tv at same time. I was startled to find his face near me and ask me to sleep inside. And so the next day, which is on Sunday, he's talking again, took us to breakfast and bring my son to buy his things while I finished off house chores. I told my son, anything he wanted on Sunday to go and bug his father. I mean I've spent the whole Saturday evening with the kids to attend their needs - kakak wanted to watch movie HungerGames, abang wanted to add crab to his fishery collections (me and my son are loyal customer (mana tak loyal..ikan asik mati je..)to this kedai ikan and mamat rock kat kedai ikan tu mmg usha wa, and my son get 1 free ikan all the time).. and adik want to visit her cousins house to play BarbiePrincessCharm together. And I layan all of them, else sumer monyok jer..So I've told them Sunday, mummy dah flat and need to be bibik already. And when I started to talk about multiplying like NarutoShippuden to attend all their needs..they said..Mummy Naruto tu kartun la..not real. Duh!

So on Sunday morning, he was lying on the bed and surfing the net and was gigling. I just ignore him trying to complete my work. When he ask me to come sit next to him to watch video and showed me some vid on how some man wank themselves. So I was like ok.nothing's new. Then he told me this is how the wanking should be like and what I should be asking from my bf ; what's the correct angle and where to focus. He likes to see how those taksunatskin moves up and down and see how the red head protruding without the skin...yumms?

He said that he gets so satisfied and high just by watching those wankers. And I told him since that suffice, you no need la pic or vid from me. He told me he still wants mine coz its original.. ok duh!!

I told that I gave him many pics already. And he said that I've haven't gave him yang taksunuat punya. He said if I can give him that, I can go fuck with anyone I want without his consent. Yeah right!

So that Sunday..since I'm having menses, I ended up giving him good BusinessJobs..which I totally like it..tapi tak puas sioutsss..time like this always left me in a makan-tapi-tak-kenyang state..huk huk..well anywaysss.. I was told that was what I'm good okayy..basically to be good senang je need to cover 3 main areas ; the head, the stick and the balls. The rest you just let your imagination works. Tadaaa..ok la dah merapu sangat dah ni..

Have a good weekend uoulss..

*Having 21 Guns GreenDay untuk hari yang sangat stress..I soo need this weekend


Jemz said...


Lee said...

Hi Marissa, hey, get you boy to go learn Thai boxing or Muy Thai. 3 months and I can tell you, he'll walk tall.
Nobody will try anything on him.

Ha ha, always interesting, exciting, reading your postings....
Your hubby sure one very liberal minded man too.
Have fun, and keep well.

M said...

Jemz..jgn nganga besar2 nanti masuk lalat..hehe

Uncle Lee, haha yeah..I will teach him myself..a silat called silat cetong (similar to silat gayong)..hehehe

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